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My name is Connor. I go to school and I'm in grade 7. (14 years old) and my grammar is good except when I type its not that good because I type fast....I can help out the server by well, if there are problems like....stuff not working etc, I can help. Modreq's? I can help. I am going for Mod. I have discord. But I do not have Skype....On discord my name is Clutchinq_ and well....Im friends with a lot of staff and Im kind :D

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: No


Hey there! 


First things first.. 


Ambassador before Mod. 


Also, I suggest reading this, and making you application longer. Tell us more about what you can do.


Best of luck,

Hermione (Hermyy)