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Hello Muttsworld Staff!

Im Loren. As you can see, I really want to become apart of Muttsworld Staff! Ive been on this server for many months, and Ive loved it from the start. Ive told so many friends about it! :P I am applying because I want to be able to help this server grow, assist new players, and modify the chat and others behavior to make sure it is as family - friendly as it can get. Some things to know about me: I love to build.. and mine.. (I like building more). Cats are my favorite animal! I love them :D . At the moment, I play 8 sports, yet Im always sure to play on Mutts for at least an hour everyday. I always try to watch the chat, (for spam and caps and stuff..) and be friendly with others. Until they start acting rude, that is. But no worry! Happiness is key... Wow. That was so corny.. I think ill take that out. Eh. I know that there are so many applications being sent, so dont rush to look at mine. I hope you put my application into consideration!

~LoRen_Elizabeth :D

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 29
Teamspeak: No


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat usedtobe
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 29

Teamspeak: No

Essay: Hello Muttsworld Staff!

Im Loren. As you can see, I really want to become apart of Muttsworld Staff! Ive been on this server for many months, and Ive loved it from the start. Ive told so many friends about it! :P I am applying because I want to be able to help this server grow, assist new players, and modify the chat and others behavior to make sure it is as family - friendly as it can get. Some things to know about me: I love to build.. and mine.. (I like building more). Cats are my favorite animal! I love them :D . At the moment, I play 8 sports, yet Im always sure to play on Mutts for at least an hour everyday. I always try to watch the chat, (for spam and caps and stuff..) and be friendly with others. Until they start acting rude, that is. But no worry! Happiness is key... Wow. That was so corny.. I think ill take that out. Eh. I know that there are so many applications being sent, so dont rush to look at mine. I hope you put my application into consideration!

~LoRen_Elizabeth :D

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