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I have been playing on Muttsworld for about 4 years,and I've always loved to play on it. My brother, Tyler_Darkness, was the person who showed me the server. We lived in a medium sized town, well we lived above it, yes above it we called it the sky village even though we were the only ones there. Admins would always fly up there an greet us and we'd greet them back, but we enjoyed and admired them and their company. I admired them so much I wanted to be one and make sure everyone's following the rules and playing nice and over all having a good time. So I wish to do this and help all others.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 16

Teamspeak: No


I've always thought staff were pretty neat people on servers. They always seemed godly. Always able to do anything. I was a staff on my friends server once it was pretty cool I set up a shop and everything. I always followed and enforced the rules. Now I would like to be a staff member again, but this time on my favorite server Muttsworld! I've been on Muttsworld for like a year with my brother and friends. If you remember or not my brother and I built the sky village it was pretty popular and everyone wanted to grief and raid it. Now if people make a sky village and get raided like I did I want to help. This is why I would be a good staff member.

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I have no reason nor authority to tell server applicants what to do.

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 48

Teamspeak: Yes


I have been playing on Muttsworld for about 4 years,and I've always loved to play on it. My brother, Tyler_Darkness, was the person who showed me the server. We lived in a medium sized town, well we lived above it, yes above it we called it the sky village even though we were the only ones there. Admins would always fly up there an greet us and we'd greet them back, but we enjoyed and admired them and their company. I admired them so much I wanted to be one and make sure everyone's following the rules and playing nice and over all having a good time. So I wish to do this and help all others.

Click here to view the application
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 48

Teamspeak: Yes


I have been playing on Muttsworld for about 4 years,and I've always loved to play on it. My brother, Tyler_Darkness, was the person who showed me the server. We lived in a medium sized town, well we lived above it, yes above it we called it the sky village even though we were the only ones there. Admins would always fly up there an greet us and we'd greet them back, but we enjoyed and admired them and their company. I admired them so much I wanted to be one and make sure everyone's following the rules and playing nice and over all having a good time. So I wish to do this and help all others.

Click here to view the application

Hey there! So far, nothing that you've written makes us believe you'd be a good fit for this job. You should treat it more like a job application than just a "I like this server" message and request for rank. You should probably click on this and read it. All of it: bit.ly/MuttsApply


Also, please don't file more than one application. Edit or reply to this thread alone.