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Hello. My name is natesaysyo and I would like to apply for muttsworlds l2d staff. I have been staff five times before and would really enjoy it if I could try or even get it again. I have gave this a lot of thought and thought it's okay and time for me to at least try to get ambassador again. I know what is required to get and be an ambassador and I think I have what it takes to be one. I will help any players in need of assistance and will ask if anyone need helps as well. I will do what ever it takes to bring a smile on a players face when they're feeling down. My email is natesaysyo@gmail.com. I do vote daily and have team speak. I help out staff members any way possible. I am very active and have bought diplomat and other things like make it rain diamonds on l2d to the point where I have donated 100$ to this server. I report hackers when I see them and don't intervene with the staff's work. I will do what ever I am asked of staff. I have helped staff members before and am very loyal to muttsworld. I have devoted a lot of time to the server and I hope to be apart of the growing and expending of muttsworld. I have been on this server for a long time now, almost two years. And hope to be a apart of the servers staff. I have what it takes to be a staff, but at times I do have difficulties with my temper. I have been working on it, and I think it's time for me to give it another shot. I hope you read and enjoy my application. Thanks -NateSaysYo

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 19
Teamspeak: Yes


You need to have TeamSpeak and IRC to be part of the staff. 

lol to out it straight forward yez, we do prefer you have acces to ts and irc, but you also.need to show initiative, show us that you know stuff.
Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 5

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: Hello ,y name is Nate. I would love to be apart of the l2d server staff. I vote everyday and am active on teamspeak. I do help people when they are in need and would love to take it to the next step. Thanks- Nate

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Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 10

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: Hello. My name is NateSaysYo. I would like to apply for staff because I have noticed how there are not lots of staff on L2D and I am very active and would like to help this server grow and expand. I have been staff before but was demoted for being careless. I know its unlikely I will become a staff member but it does not hurt to try. Please consider -NateSaysYo

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Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: no

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 16

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: Hello my name is NateSaysYo. I know I have already applied but I forgot to mention that I would like to be staff on L2D. I would like to be apart of the growing of muttsoworld and would be happy to help deal with issues that happen on L2D. I have reported hackers before and have got hackers banned from muttsoworld. I have also helped with the issue with Hamzaa taking real life money for a staff application. I helped get him banned. I would love to be staff thanks and please consider! -NateSaysYo

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I mis spelled muttsoworld. XD sorry.

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: no

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 16

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: Hi my name is natesaysyo. I would like to apply for staff on kitpvp. I have been playing kitpvp more often and would like to help out. Please consider. NateSaysYo,

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Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: no

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 16

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: Hi my name is NateSaysYo. I would like to join the technical/programmers. I am learning how to code as well as I type this if that is needed. I would love to help fix create or do what ever is needed if I get the job. I am very active and play for hours a day which makes me able to work all the time. Please consider -NateSaysYo

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Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 17

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: This is a updated version of my old essay. Hello my name is Nate. Also known as NateSaysYo. I would like to apply for staff in L2D. I have been playing MuttsWorld for a while and when I first started playing I was having the most fun in MineCraft I have ever had in my life. I had to do other things for about 10 months and started playing again march 23 2015. I really enjoy playing MuttsWorld and am happy to help other players out. I play with my friend nomnom1235 and lots of other people at times. Nomnom1235 was promoted to ambassador which inspired me to apply for staff. I have applied for staff before but my essay's were not at least 200 words long. I can build if needed. Help other players. Help staff. Do modreqs and much more that is needed. I have been ambassador before but I was demoted for not being silent when szerszen4s told me to. I know the commands of being staff and was taught by dimattboy. I can help and do what ever I am asked by my leaders. I have helped with the process when Hamzaa (who was a admin) was selling staff to people. I did it for ambassador which was not fair and I did not know it was illegal at the time being and regret ever doing it. I emailed Mumblerit letting him be aware of what was going on. I am very active and can play for about 5-10 to more periods of time. I play football and at some points it makes it tricky for me to play (besides the mornings). I start school in twelve days and will be on MuttsWorld's l2d almost the entire time. I hope you read and enjoyed my essay. -NateSaysYo

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Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 19

Teamspeak: Yes


Hello. My name is natesaysyo and I would like to apply for muttsworlds l2d staff. I have been staff five times before and would really enjoy it if I could try or even get it again. I have gave this a lot of thought and thought it's okay and time for me to at least try to get ambassador again. I know what is required to get and be an ambassador and I think I have what it takes to be one. I will help any players in need of assistance and will ask if anyone need helps as well. I will do what ever it takes to bring a smile on a players face when they're feeling down. My email is natesaysyo@gmail.com. I do vote daily and have team speak. I help out staff members any way possible. I am very active and have bought diplomat and other things like make it rain diamonds on l2d to the point where I have donated 100$ to this server. I report hackers when I see them and don't intervene with the staff's work. I will do what ever I am asked of staff. I have helped staff members before and am very loyal to muttsworld. I have devoted a lot of time to the server and I hope to be apart of the growing and expending of muttsworld. I have been on this server for a long time now, almost two years. And hope to be a apart of the servers staff. I have what it takes to be a staff, but at times I do have difficulties with my temper. I have been working on it, and I think it's time for me to give it another shot. I hope you read and enjoy my application. Thanks -NateSaysYo

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