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Hello, I'm Moon. You..you probably know me already, but I've been ambassador on kitpvp for about 6 or 7 months now, and I thought I'd apply to be a moderator. I'm on kitpvp nearly every day, and I do my job. I've learned from my mistakes. I'm actually very mature and helpful, and even though I'm not 18 yet, and I also can't use Teamspeak, I will always try to do my best as MuttsWorld staff.
It is perfectly okay with me if I don't get picked to be a moderator, and Mutts will always be my favorite server. Thank you for taking your time to read this application.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 16
Teamspeak: No


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 14

Teamspeak: No

Essay: Hello, all who are reading this. This is _DiamondCherry_, one of your beautiful donators. :) I have been with Mutts for a pretty long time, the months of Mutts I put is just a guess. I have great grammar, but I'm not perfect, like all human beings. Every human being has at least one flaw, and mine is writing. I don't like essays that much, but I do them anyway. :D Anyway, back to Mutts, I have lots of friends there, and yes, I am a Diplo. After my three-month diplo runs out I'm gonna buy the six-month diplo. Mutts is my favorite server, and I go on it every day that I can, even when I'm in a bad mood. You guys cheer me up! Anyway, I hope you choose me to be an ambassador, and even if you don't want what I have to offer, I will stay with you! Also,  I want PvP staff. ;3 Thank you!

Bye, Mutts,

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Are you apply for the PvP server or the KitPvP server?

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 8

Teamspeak: No

Essay: Hello, I am _DiamondMoon_ and I would like to apply for the position of PvP Ambassador. I would love to help out players and everytime a new player comes, I always welcome them. I know most of the commands, and most important of all, I have been a great help and a great friend to many players. In the months I have played Mutts, I have learned many things about the server, including most commands, how the servers work, and I have also donated to this server. Mutts is my favorite server so far, and I would love to help players out. I type moderately quickly, and I know how to spell most words. I took English class, y'know! I also have a good sense of humor, (According to a few other players.) and almost always have a smile on my face.

It is all well if you do not want what I have to offer, and Mutts will still always be my favorite server. Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

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Application APPROVED! Welcome to the Team!

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat yes
Vote: yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 11

Teamspeak: No

Essay: Hello, this is Cherrymoon, and I am applying for PVP Mod. I have been an Ambassador for...um...too long to count. I think I do my job very well, and though I have made mistakes, I try to make them right. I'm online almost every day, and if I can't get on that day, I would probably tell you why in advance, just in case I'm needed that day. I don't have TS, which I know is a MAJOR problem, but I can't exactly fix that, since I don't have a mic or TS itself. Also...I have no idea how long I've been on Mutts. I know it was before 2015 started, because I remember yelling "HAPPY NEW YEAR" in chat on serverwide, so...just a estimation on my months of Mutts. I also do realize I type a LITTLE slowly, but that's only because I try to type correctly without spelling errors. If I type quickly, then I make quite a few spelling errors. Also, I was _DiamondMoon_ before, I changed my name a few days ago.

Thanks for reading my application, and if I don't make PVP Mod, I'll always wait. Mutts will never leave the spot of my #1 Favorite Minecraft Server.

-Thanks, Cherrymoon

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Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 16

Teamspeak: No


Hello, I'm Moon. You..you probably know me already, but I've been ambassador on kitpvp for about 6 or 7 months now, and I thought I'd apply to be a moderator. I'm on kitpvp nearly every day, and I do my job. I've learned from my mistakes. I'm actually very mature and helpful, and even though I'm not 18 yet, and I also can't use Teamspeak, I will always try to do my best as MuttsWorld staff.
It is perfectly okay with me if I don't get picked to be a moderator, and Mutts will always be my favorite server. Thank you for taking your time to read this application.

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