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Name - Dean
MC Name - DeathDude88 or ZeroRekt. DeathDude88 was my old name
Age - 14 nearly 15
Staff - Would like Admin but also Ambassador
I would love to be staff as I think I would be very helpful in finding hackers, boosters, spammers or trash talkers. I have been playing Muttsworldmine since 2011 or maybe even before cant remember as it was so long ago. I am friends with Sides in real life and he has taught me many things about being a good staff member and how to be helpful.
p.s I am going to start to vote but my internet wouldn't load tabs because of viruses, I used to vote all of the time but as I say I had a virus. I am also probably going to become diplomat again as it was amazing quality for its price! I have been playing Muttsworld for countless hours and yeah! I really enjoy it so thank you for your time guys please at least try me as a staff but if I am no good then demote me thanks!

Diplomat: Used to be
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 40
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat usedtobe
Vote: no

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 40

Teamspeak: Yes

Essay: Name - Dean
MC Name - DeathDude88 or ZeroRekt. DeathDude88 was my old name
Age - 14 nearly 15
Staff - Would like Admin but also Ambassador
I would love to be staff as I think I would be very helpful in finding hackers, boosters, spammers or trash talkers. I have been playing Muttsworldmine since 2011 or maybe even before cant remember as it was so long ago. I am friends with Sides in real life and he has taught me many things about being a good staff member and how to be helpful.
p.s I am going to start to vote but my internet wouldn't load tabs because of viruses, I used to vote all of the time but as I say I had a virus. I am also probably going to become diplomat again as it was amazing quality for its price! I have been playing Muttsworld for countless hours and yeah! I really enjoy it so thank you for your time guys please at least try me as a staff but if I am no good then demote me thanks!

Click here to view the application

Staff - Would like Admin but also Ambassador

Oh you know, its just admin, possibly ambassador....





whats that 


Overall, I like the effort that you put in your application, there are just a few questionable things about it <.<