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So, I've been talking to acquaintances and associates for a while, and as it turns out, in order for me to make adjustments and create "ideas" I'm going to need at least $500-$10,000 dollars. Now, I know what you may thinking, "don't you not have that kind of money?" The answer is "yes." But the solution is simple: Investment.
May 10 2017 10:50 PM
  • CoffeeTheCat's Photo
    Maybe good, maybe not, ive been thinking some other things. And it starts with the moon and Mars. We all have our fair share of memories of space but I'm thinking if we invest in what's going to be hotter than a fire, we can get working and make sure at least one person gets fired. Because if this thing rises you can bet I'm firing at least one of mine. Make it at least six.
    May 10 2017 10:59 PM
  • CoffeeTheCat's Photo
    Disregard this it isn't about me or anything this is a joke post.
    May 11 2017 12:12 AM
  • dirrk82's Photo
    invest in Russian hackers (results may vary)
    May 11 2017 03:28 PM