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Hello, my name is WubbuhDoo, his is a new account though on my previous account I was with Muttsworld for a long time. I hope I can help with anything around the server, mainly helping with players and chat. I think I could be a large helping hand with decisions and player assistance when I am needed. I'll try to get onto the server as often as I can, usually in the afternoon, but I am in Boy scouts, and so I will be gone to camps on a monthly basis. I try to be as kind and polite as I possibly can, and resolve issues to my best extent. I've learned a lot how to efficiently work with a team through many different training programs, and I try my best to be funny when it is best fit. If you need any further information about my work ethic and personality, you could talk to paintoo, a current staff member on Muttsworld Creative.


I hope to hear back soon,

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat NO
Vote: Yes

Age: 10-16

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: No


Hello, my name is WubbuhDoo, his is a new account though on my previous account I was with Muttsworld for a long time. I hope I can help with anything around the server, mainly helping with players and chat. I think I could be a large helping hand with decisions and player assistance when I am needed. I'll try to get onto the server as often as I can, usually in the afternoon, but I am in Boy scouts, and so I will be gone to camps on a monthly basis. I try to be as kind and polite as I possibly can, and resolve issues to my best extent. I've learned a lot how to efficiently work with a team through many different training programs, and I try my best to be funny when it is best fit. If you need any further information about my work ethic and personality, you could talk to paintoo, a current staff member on Muttsworld Creative.


I hope to hear back soon,

Click here to view the application

Good luck!

Aug 29 2017 06:06 PM
I merged your application threads together, next time please be more patient when trying to submit an application.
Other than that, what server are you applying for and how would you help it?