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Hello, my name is WubbuhDoo, his is a new account though on my previous account I was with Muttsworld for a long time. I hope I can help with anything around the server, mainly helping with players and chat. I think I could be a large helping hand with decisions and player assistance when I am needed. I'll try to get onto the server as often as I can, usually in the afternoon, but I am in Boy scouts, and so I will be gone to camps on a monthly basis. I try to be as kind and polite as I possibly can, and resolve issues to my best extent. I've learned a lot how to efficiently work with a team through many different training programs, and I try my best to be funny when it is best fit. If you need any further information about my work ethic and personality, you could talk to paintoo, a current staff member on Muttsworld Creative.


I hope to hear back soon,

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No