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Hello. first of all I'de like to thank you for reading this application. (First Time Applying)
My age is 10. I am very mature. I have discord and teamspeak and have never been staff on a server before.



I could help out the server by monitoring the chat of MuttsWorld L2D
Example of someone using capslock i would warn them first
And if they would not stop I would mute them for 10 - 15 Minutes. I always get 103's on my spelling tests at school so I am very good at spelling
I don't get frustrated at people easily and love the MuttsWorld Community.


I have many friends that are staff on muttsworld. I don't really wanna name any right now but They are very nice. I've been playing minecraft for 3 years.



I have never gone to a minecon ever in my life but I hope to in the future.
{Like you care about that}



I don't really remember how I discovered MuttsWorld.
But I would love if I was accepted.


Thank you
-xSpeedyPvP AKA JamesTheTiger :P

  • Keltymn likes this

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes


Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: No

Age: <10

Months of MuttsWorld: 36

Teamspeak: Yes


Hello. first of all I'de like to thank you for reading this application. (First Time Applying)
My age is 10. I am very mature. I have discord and teamspeak and have never been staff on a server before.



I could help out the server by monitoring the chat of MuttsWorld L2D
Example of someone using capslock i would warn them first
And if they would not stop I would mute them for 10 - 15 Minutes. I always get 103's on my spelling tests at school so I am very good at spelling
I don't get frustrated at people easily and love the MuttsWorld Community.


I have many friends that are staff on muttsworld. I don't really wanna name any right now but They are very nice. I've been playing minecraft for 3 years.



I have never gone to a minecon ever in my life but I hope to in the future.
{Like you care about that}



I don't really remember how I discovered MuttsWorld.
But I would love if I was accepted.


Thank you
-xSpeedyPvP AKA JamesTheTiger :P

Click here to view the application

Please use the same thread next time, it seems to be that you've made two threads for the same app, if you want to reapply in the future, make your next application in the comment section :) Good luck!

    • Kenlee1113 likes this


Please use the same thread next time, it seems to be that you've made two threads for the same app, if you want to reapply in the future, make your next application in the comment section :) Good luck!

Two topics merged into one. Also read this: bit.ly/MuttsApply, Ken

Sorry mid way writing the other topic my pc restarted for that reason I though I had to restart and make a new one.


So is this a acception or decline or pending?

Applications merely exist until accepted or outright declined. Neither of those has happened.

If you feel your application is the best it can be, leave it alone, and if the team feels you are qualified for the job, someone will contact you in-game.

Ok, thanks dude. I hope to get on sometimes later today :P