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Hello. first of all I'de like to thank you for reading this application. (First Time Applying)
My age is 10. I am very mature. I have discord and teamspeak and have never been staff on a server before.



I could help out the server by monitoring the chat of MuttsWorld L2D
Example of someone using capslock i would warn them first
And if they would not stop I would mute them for 10 - 15 Minutes. I always get 103's on my spelling tests at school so I am very good at spelling
I don't get frustrated at people easily and love the MuttsWorld Community.


I have many friends that are staff on muttsworld. I don't really wanna name any right now but They are very nice. I've been playing minecraft for 3 years.



I have never gone to a minecon ever in my life but I hope to in the future.
{Like you care about that}



I don't really remember how I discovered MuttsWorld.
But I would love if I was accepted.


Thank you
-xSpeedyPvP AKA JamesTheTiger :P

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes