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What's new on Towny!

Here's what's new on TOWNY!

So we've added a couple new features to our Towny server.

1. We've added Battletracker. Now you'll get more info on who and how you killed your favorite hater.
2. We have added the chatparty plugin which will now allow you to make your own party chat for your towns/nations to keep all your secrets(secret).
3. The cost to upkeep your towns has been DRASTICALLY reduced.

Here are the some relevant party commands.

/party or /party help
- plugin help

There are now more interesting areas around spawn to PvP in. We also have a few new minigames for when we just want to goof off. Things like...

TNT Dodgeball, Anvilgames, a very tough parkour challenge, and much more in the making.

Come join us on /server towny, make a TOWN, be in control of your own town/plot perms and protections, build a NATION and rule the world!

MuttsWorld Administration


Yay Ya~! Towny rocks :P