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Introducing MuttsWorld PvP 2.0

PvP has been reset as some of you are aware. PvP has gotten smaller and even more intense for battle over resources! Find your team and battle hard!

There will be 4 teams, and you will be auto-assigned as you join. However you may /team Leave and /team join another team. You can also decide to go rogue and run solo, leaving your team to slaughter as a nomad. However upon relog you will be auto-assigned but can leave again.

The PvP spawn is the same, the world outside of the obsidian marker has been reset, inventories are reset and vaults are reset.

The PvP server is now based on the micro map experiment http://www.minecraft...-map-experiment

And should be very interesting, I'm excited to see how this goes.

Get out there and kick some ass!

Cheers on behalf of the MuttsWorld Staff!



We are still working out the kinks to get everything back up and running again, so please be patient! It should all be back to normal within the next few days.

Oct 01 2014 06:29 PM

doood! do this for real just like those people did