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New Contest For The Best Screen Shot!

" Hey There Mutts World Builders Lets Get Hyped "

We are hosting a contest for the best screen shot! Post your screen shots at the link provided at the bottom. See if you will be the lucky winner for the # 1 screen shot price... You have 3 days to submit your screen shots before we start the voting! May the best player an server win.. Lets get hyped guys. the contest is for "The Best Creative,Artistic an Noobie Building! "
So Lets Get Screen Shot Happy...

Happy Building To You All!!

contest hosted By: Ezbella & TehSabbingSlayer

[ If you have any question or concerns feel free to contact one of use.. ]

Link ---> http://muttsworldmin...m/986-contests/


holy rainbow comic sans!
Is it one screenshot per person or can i submit like a portfolio lol
The text is hard to read with the colors.
The link also doens't work with the colors....
Sep 09 2012 01:08 AM
So are you looking for "the best creative screenshot", "artistic screenshot", and "noobie building screenshot" OR are you looking for a single screenshot that encompasses all three of those elements? I'm assuming you mean it as three separate items. So for the creative screenshot, are you judging how creative the screenshot is or how creative the content of the screenshot is? Does it have to be your own work or can it be from someone else? This makes a huge difference in how you approach this one. Also, is the "artistic screenshot" judging the content of the screenshot or how the screenshot was taken? Are you allowing post processing so we can add to the "artistic" flair of the screenshot or are they supposed to be unedited screenshots? You really need to clarify what you mean and give examples to help make it clear as to what you want? I guess being a developer and photographer has made me aware of the potential issues at hand.
It can either be your own or you submitting a friends creation... there will also be a winner for each category. please don't get all fancy i care not for the photo shop just the screen shot plain an simple. sorry the colors don't work for the link I'll see what I can do about it.
My eyesss, my beautiful eyesss.....
Sep 10 2012 05:05 PM
Can I post just a noobie creation? Or is it all three together in one snapshot?
It Can Be An Artistic Or Creative An or Newbie Built.