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Win One Of 5 Prizes Of 3 Month Diplomat!

Interested in winning one of 5 prizes which include 3 month diplomat? Over the next couple of weeks, there will be building contests held on Creative, Towny, and Survival. It will be a straight forward building contest, only real effort will be awarded.

Contest dates and how to enter; The contests will begin March 12th and the deadline will be April 1st. =*How To Enter*= Speak with Laravee.

Rules; No redstone clocks, each build has to have been done individually, seeing as there can only be one winner of each contest. You can build whatever you want for the contest as long as it's appropriate, and you put in a serious amount of effort to be considered.

Ideas preffered; Cottage, Mansion, Landmark, Farm, Skyscraper, or anything you want!

Extra notes; Don't take these contests too seriously, as there will be more in the future. All we ask is that you put your best effort in, and never become discouraged, because here at Muttsworld, talent is recognized.

Submissions here: http://www.muttsworl...st-submissions/


Never thought I'd have to actually edit out a comic sans post on the front page. 


You're welcome.

Ok so i want to do this but im banned from creative! So i cant show my talent! NO FAIR!

This is like discriminating almost! just unban me so i can participate! D:

I put way to much effort into mine.

no clocks... but but but :(

who won?

I'm so excited!!! I've been waiting to win for a long time. It's tomorrow.

lol have fun and good luck to all 

Who won.