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MuttsWorld Minecraft Lobby

We now have a lobby/hub area for connecting to the servers, the new address is:


You may use this to connect to the lobby and go from there to any of our servers, you may still however, use the old address. As with any new things there may be issues that will be ironed out over time.



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ALE!!! You're famous!


best thing in mutts historey

I like it mumble! Pure amazing. Now I only need to have the address for one server! 

This is amazing. Is it like a new thing for multiple servers to have a lobby? Anyway still awesome. But what if a server (L2D) doesn't update as fast as the rest and we connect to it on a newer version?

this makes l2d slightly more viable.

Interesting idea.. I like it.

I haven't played with this, nor have I purposely tried abusing this, but is there some sort of cool down for doing /server ______ on the pvp server? Like to stop people from pvp logging, essentially.

I guess there are something that prevents you from tp at all while pvp. Bcus when you pvp logging you shut down minecraft. Going /server lobby or /server survival would count as tp. I think. Kinda feels that way with no loading. I need to try that.