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Thanks for taking the time to read this,


I feel like I could be a good mod on Creative that could bring a sense on humor and also keep the server a safe, friendly environment for all MuttsWorld players. plan to greet each and every player and help them with any resources I have available. Currently, I have a lot of free time on my hands and have been going on MuttsWorld almost daily. I have played each and every server, made friends, and gotten a feel for the type of community that exists in MuttsWorld. I would love to play a part in making Mutts the best it could be. With some of my friends currently being mods, I thought now would be the perfect time to apply so that I could start off with people I am familiar with.


I don't have much, if any experience moderating a server or chat but I am always open to a new challenge. I have moderated one server before for a friend but it has long since been taken down.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through this site or another means if need be.


Thank you for your time,

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 11
Teamspeak: Yes


You need Ambassador before you get mod.

Your application isn't bad, just needs improvement.

Nothing else. Just sit tight.


You seem like you'd be a good staff member but please consider that you have to be ambassador before you get mod ^-^

Best of luck!

Try editing this application to suit the needs of why you want to be a staff member (ambassador) and say what you have done to help out also.



You need Ambassador before you get mod.

...but please consider that you have to be ambassador before you get mod ^-^

*...in most cases, with some precedent for promotion straight to mod in VERY rare circumstances and STRICTLY at the discretion of the server's Admin and Mumblerit, the owner of the Muttsworld Gaming community.

As these two have stated, however, some edits may improve this application. Do not file a new one. Edit or reply to this thread.