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Hello staff members of Muttsworld! My name Is Laura (if you care) and I would like to apply to be an Ambassador on the Creative server. I have been playing Muttsworld for about 3 years and I do enforce the rules, even when I am not an Ambassador. I enjoy drawing and ,obviously, Minecraft. I'm also in love with the Harry Potter series. My friends describe me as comical and sweet and I would love it if I were to be an Ambassador. I am pretty decent at building and I have a creative mind. I am friends with most of the people I meet, even if we get off on a bad start. I am on Muttsworld only on weekends (due to restrictions in my life) but I enjoy those few days that I am on. I am in advanced classes at my school and I don't get any lower than Bs on my report cards, so don't worry about Mutts interfering with my academic life. Although I would be fond of the perks you get as being an Ambassador, I would like to also enforce rules so Muttsworld stays clean and be a fun server to hang out on. I know that in the past I have been on servers with less restrictions, and I believe that they are very inappropriate for children to log onto. I think hamburgers are delectable and I'm in love with a Japanese candy by the name of Pockey (its REALLY good). So, now that I've told you a bit about me and how I would like to keep Muttsworld nice and clean, I am going to conclude my essay. I hope you're feeling ecstatic and exited, because I sure am! :mrgreen:

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: No