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Hi,I am TheSimsStarFire i have been playing on mutts for a long time i love it.I just feel i need something.My best friend on mutts her name is xElement i asked her how she is a commmod and she told me how.And i want to do what she said!I am very helpful,nice,sweet,always saying hi to people.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: No
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: No


The process of how xElement became a Communtiy mod takes a lot of time, work, and patience.

What server are you applying for?
How could you help that server?
Also, read this --> http://bit.ly/MuttsApply


First off, I recommend just making an application to be Community Staff first. And as Pig said up there, read http://bit.ly/MuttsApply. Tell us what you will do as a member of the Community Staff and how you'll benefit the server you are applying for, as well as telling a bit about yourself, which I see you've already done, but add in a few more details.

