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I am the type of person who likes order, but at the same time can have fun and let loose, i know the rules and i know what is forbidden on Mutts world. Even though i am not staff, i find myself politely correcting people when they do something wrong on Mutts, and if they do not stop, then i know its time to notify staff. Though, of course if i were staff i would not need to do that. I am completely against any harmful or mean behavior considering when i was younger i got bullied. I understand some situations better than some other people may, and i feel like i would know what the situations would call for. I am a nice person, even if someone is being mean or acting rude, because i know that the answer is not to lash out on someone because of it. I know how to handle situations professionally and i would like to help Mutts world grow and become an even better community than it already is. I have been on Mutts for about 2 years now, and i have met some of the best friends on mutts. I feel that mutts is a really nice way to connect to other people in a safe and friendly environment, every time i join the creative server, there are always many friendly people there who take time out of their building to give me a warm welcome back. I have shared laughs and even some tears with some of my friends on Mutts, I love to make new friends, and meet new people and i feel that mutts is personally the best way for me to accomplish this. It is an amazing way to being people together without bullying or harassment. I would like to thank you for reading my essay, and i really hope you accept it so that i can help Mutts stay safe, and grow. Thank you! <3

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: No


Good luck!  :D