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I believe I should be staff of Muttsworldmine creative/prison because sometimes huge problems come up and I want to fix them, if I was a staff member I could fix problems like inappropriate content, cursing, etc. It would also be a great honor to be staff! I would also like to tell you guys, your staff member, Lawoxyde, has been my role model and he has inspired me.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: No


No. Read this, understand it, and show that you understand it when you reply to this thread with your updated application: bit.ly/MuttsApply

I just want to know why I couldnt be Ambassador, just a question, not in a rude way.

I just want to know why I couldnt be Ambassador, just a question, not in a rude way.


Read this, understand it, and show that you understand it when you reply to this thread with your updated application: bit.ly/MuttsApply

I understand the page now.

My new name is xXKillerHiCXx, by the way.