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I've been on survival for 2 months I helped people out when i could in chat and respected the chat as much as i could. I met Mythilus, A mod on Survival. Now he recently got a mod position on Tekkit. Hes been really nice to me ever since i started on the server. He always helped me out. he'd tell me about cool creations and show me around survival. I even witnessed the titanic being built. He witnessed me putting more dirt down then he had wool for his haul of the boat haha. We ended up getting close as friend and we started to hang out more after he was done doing mod requests. One day i logged on and realized he wasn't on. He got a hold of me and told me he was on tekkit. And that's when i found out about something amazing. As soon as i logged off of survival that day to get on tekkit i never got back on survival in till a month later... I started building beside myth as soon as the server was reset. And since then we still work together. I been on here for about 2 months coming up to 3 and im always trying to help as much as possible. As time went by helping with chat just didn't seem enough but Mythilus finally got a mod spot when asked to take it up to help the server out. Then two other of my friends got Mod, Kynde and Ezbella. Kynde received it first and has been as much as help as possible. Ezbella has done and amazing job. As they did mod request id try to help people in chat and help then understand the game. make sure that no one cursed. I have been dumb at times and cursed in chat. But being a mod i wouldn't do it at all. I feel bad for Ezbella, Kynde and even Mythilus. They always tell me there to busy with mod reqs and never have time to actually talk. They seem to get stressed even. But they still love to help. So i finally decided to put in an app. Asking if i would be able to become a mod to help out with mod reqs. I promise not to abuse my powers and if i do i will accept punishment fairly. I do not plan on joking around with my power, etc. I just want to help out people on the server and the Mods who are already trying to help to lessen the slack. There is a great deal of mods on the server. But they still seem over whelmed. Im not expecting to get a mod spot. But if chosen id help out as much as possible.

I apologize for not getting right to the point of why i want to be a mod. But i felt i should explain my experience on the servers.

~stephenweed~ / Yourmoma69 AKA Shawn.

Age: 18-24
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes