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Hello Everyone,
So this Is Snoopie123 ,You can Call me Elizabeth, I am 14 and Australian,Let's Get to The Essay.
I am Applying for The New Super Skyblock, For Ambassador.
I know I am not Staff On any other servers But I think That I should be able to start here as being a Staff Member.
I know Lots of you have probably not seen Me on Teamspeak, Considering I only got it Today and Was only in a chat with about 5 other Muttsworld People.
I Do know the Skyblock Commands Fairly well And I am always happy to help people, and i'm not one of those Grumpy people that start fights.
I have Picked up how Ambassadors and Mods deal with those Bad type of people and so i think I would do really well.
If i am needed on Irc Than I can always come on and as some have said it's not needeed as much as it use to be,
also i'm going to be on Teamspeak allot more.
I do go to School But I'm on my last week so then I will Be on Break for Nearly 2 months which does mean I will be On Extra.
My time Is Opposite to lots of people so that means that I can be on when allot of Staff are doing there things during the day.
I Hope This Application Was Past Your Standards :P And I would Love To be an Ambassador, Byee.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: Yes


get this girl a cake shes been a great player non the less and I have seen her getting to know the new commands on skyblock I think she would be a great part of the team, I understand you had a wee bit of trouble  to get teamspeak but glad you finally got it :D