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Muttsworld Staff,


I know this is probably not supposed to be written in letter form... but this is all I could think of to do. I'll start off by saying that I've considered applying for many months, but thought it would be dumb since I will likely not make it in. First of all, I'd like to note that I put others before me, even though I may not seem like it. I'm considerate and like to help people when they are in need. I think that having a spot in staff saying my name would make me feel like I need to be a role-model, putting my best attitude first and making sure I don't do anything poor.
Being on the Staff Team means I have to take my role seriously as well. I wouldn't joke around, which probably hasn't happened before, but maybe it could happen if I made a stupid decision. I'm still young and I don't think before I do, but I usually make sure to watch my actions, and I don't slip up often. Muttsworld is a fun, family-friendly, awesome place to share and chat with people and build to your heart's content, which is why I joined the server at first. I wanted somewhere I felt safe enough to build and have a good time. The staff are helpful and caring, and that is why I would like to be a part of this staff group. It's because being in a place where you can be yourself is truly amazing, and no, I'm really not just saying this stuff to make the staff choose me. I'm being completely honest and I would be grateful and extremely happy if I was a part of this great family that we call the Muttsworld Staff. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay, and I hope I can be the best of staff if I do get picked!


Thank you again,

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 17
Teamspeak: No