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Hello my name is RainBloxDash and today I am applying for the position ambassador on the FTB server, I love FTB, it's my favorite game, I am very active on the FTB Muttsworld server, I help whenever I can, I am really nice I try to warn people not to use caps when they do a lot of capitalized words, and warn people to stop spamming when they spam, I have recently had experience of spammers and bypassers on FTB when no ambassadors are on, and I warn them to stop but they don't stop, I sometimes go on IRC and ask an ambassador to get on but by the time the ambassadors on the players already off, these are just some of the many reasons why I think I should be ambassador, now I am gonna tell you a bit about myself, I am a MAJOR Minecraft, I play it as much as possible, I like Cubeworld, Borderlands 2, and Black Ops 2, I am 15 years old, soon to be 16.

Thank you for reading my essay and I hope you enjoy your day, (make sure to +1 if you liked it!)

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 10
Teamspeak: No


Sep 05 2013 12:39 PM

BTW, I can't use Team Speak because my new computer won't let me use it D:

+1 for the fake account lol

Sep 05 2013 02:45 PM

Fake account???

BTW, I can't use Team Speak because my new computer won't let me use it D:

Explain plz

Sep 05 2013 09:13 PM

Explain plz

I have tried to get it before and everytime it loads it just quits by itself

I have tried to get it before and everytime it loads it just quits by itself

The newest version of teamspeak is messed up, try downloading the version before the newest.

Sep 05 2013 09:33 PM

Ok but right now I need to sleep thanks for the info, (btw I have strept throat and rarely CAN sleep so...

This version is good: http://ftp.4players....32-


Or wait a week, a new version is due in a few days.

Fake account???

Well, maybe I'm wrong, but:

1. I know RainBlox has an account called TheDoctorDash

2. You simply don't sound like him.


Well, maybe I'm wrong, but:

1. I know RainBlox has an account called TheDoctorDash

2. You simply don't sound like him.

Well when you make a staff application you need to sound professional

Sep 10 2013 10:40 PM


Sep 17 2013 06:55 PM
No comments... :o
