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My favorite server is muttsworld L2D.I love all the people on it and i love the server.I am friends with most of the staff like, solidus,travis,and br0ken0ut.i would love to be atleast ambassodor like them.I will help inforce the rules.I am a great L2d player. so if you can please let me be part of the great staff on muttsaworld L2D.i love you all and your server. :grin: :-P

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 4
Teamspeak: No


Im sorry I forgot to tell you that the month date I put was on L2D ive only been on L2D for four months.I have been on survival for like ten months sorry for the confusion. :) i love you all!
I've been op/admin on 2 other servers and i am good at being one.I love this server. :)
So no IRC or Teamspeak. Don't expect any staff position. Both are required for either mod or ambassador, then you need to be 18 or older for mod.
IRC and Teamspeak are a must, but the age 18 for a moderator position isn't always true. Take me for example.
So what is teamspeak and IRC?
sorry i didnt know they were a must :(
Teamspeak is a simple chat program that allows you to communicate: http://www.teamspeak.com/, and our IP is teamspeak.muttsworldmine.com

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It's a very basic form to communicate with our server (#Muttsworld on the FreeNode network) Xchat is a very good client. http://xchat.org/

I see you have connected to our IRC, not sure about Teamspeak though. Try and get used to those two programs. Very useful if you were to be staff.
I got IRC and its awesome. :)
how do i use teamspeak?

My experience on the l2d server literally made me rage quit. At first I thought you were trolling me.... You wouldn't last 5 minutes in our IRC or Team-speak without being bun bun slammed verbally for the word "damn" being used. As an Ambassador myself I personally don't see people need to be muted for this.