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Hello, Before i start, i just want to say a few thing I don't really know the exact months of how long i have been playing on Mutts World but I have been playing for I'd say 3 years maybe around there, 2 and a half maybe, and, I know I have done a lot of bad things in the past, I've spammed before and all that stuff about 1 and a half to two years ago, That is because I never really wanted staff back then or anything I never really cared, But now I have changed. I hope you do forgive me for my actions. Also, I have many different account for the Mutts World website with many garbage applications on it, The reason I never stayed on the first one is because, I forgot the password and other details, And it doesn't hurt to make another account. The reason I am running for ambassador is because I feel like there is not enough staff member online around the night time. When I log on around maybe 12:00 am for me there is not many staff, maybe one at the most! But there is like 5-10 players still online, And I have witnessed those players spam in chat, fight, and other things and I can't do anything about it, I say "Stop guys" and they just keep going and going and going. I don't like using /ignore but some times I have too. And its not just night time when there is no staff members online or they are all afk. And that is when there are a lot of players online, It just hurts to see people actually fight over who's role play or who's house is better, Its just really bad. Thank you for reading, and once again, forgive me for my actions from 2ish years ago, I have changed. Thank you -smelly nerd

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 32
Teamspeak: Yes