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Hello, before i start i just want to say i know i have done some pretty bad things in the past on this server, a lot of poor choices. That was about a year and a half ago. Little bit after that happened i took a 3-4 Month break and started to join back and "start fresh" again, Kind of. I spent about a week catching up on everything and as soon as i joined everything just hit me. All the commands and rules and everything just popped in my mind. I remember about everything i have done on the server. Ok now that i got that out of the way now i can talk about the application. Im 16 years old, live in Canada, I work quite a bit on the week days but only 5-9 hours. I think i can be a good staff member (ambassador) is because i have experience on the server for the past 2 and half years. Probably a year of that doesnt count because i did bad things in that year. I know 96% of the commands and i know 99.9% of the rules. I really dont interact with many players on the server. I always look in chat though. Im always just building and if someone needs something i can take a break and "try" to help them.
I wouldnt say im the nicest person but i try not to be mean to people. A lot of people just say things they are good at on these applications but that is kind of, not good really. Some things im not good at "need to improve on" is im a little sarcastic. I make stupid comments. Usually only to my friends because they know how i act and they know its usually a joke. Another thing im not good at is English. I have been only speaking English for around 4-5 years now. I have been speaking Portuguese when i was young because i lived in Brazil for most my life. Ok i got kind of off topic there so another thing i need to kind of work on is stop being such a grammar police. I know im not really good at English either so i dont know what im doing. I know their is a lot of young players on the server so many of then dont know much English. Some more things im alright at is handling a situation. I have an 8 year old sister and she really makes me "bad" some times but i dont get all bad at tell my dad and stuff. I handle it like a man. Thats really all i have to say. Thanks for reading if anyone does :D -Poopsibabe

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 30
Teamspeak: Yes