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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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I've been playing MuttsWorld for over 2 years now. I love the server and play on it very often. I am very supportive of the server and also bought a chat title. I used to be the Owner of OmniCraft MC. One of my strongest points is being friendly and I love to help others. I know how to work many different Bukkit/Spigot plugins. I've built a 10 story hotel and a chill lounge for people to RolePlay and hangout at. MuttsWorld is my most played and favorite Minecraft server ever! I would love to help withthe server and work with all the amazing staff members!


Sincerely, Jack Gonzales (aka pdxjack)

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 28
Teamspeak: Yes


A few things..
Your application isn't that bad, but it needs work. I recommend reading this - http://bit.ly/1FaKfIV .
I also recommend spending more time on the forums, which have been recently updated.
What server and position are you applying for? How would you help that server?
I suggest that you file a new application after you've read the link I provided, and gotten to know the forums.
Please edit your already existing application, or reply to this topic.

Happy 4th.