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Hello, today i will be applying for staff on muttsworld creative. I would like to start by saying how enjoyable muttsworld was when i first started. Now, i wish to help in creating that same experience for all the new players who join our creative server. With my staff position i will monitor the creative chat and enforce our rules. I have a decent amount of free time and am on a lot. I would also help with lag prevention by monitoring what is happening on plots. If i was staff i would use my free time to helping muttsworld gain players and stay a happy place for people of all ages. I want to make sure muttsworld continues progressing as a server and does not take hits from rude/ abusive players. I can use teamspeak and am available almost every weekend, as well as during the week. Muttsworld is currently seeing new players come in and those players will want to come back if they have a good first experience the first time they visit, i would like to be that person who helps out the new player and sees to that he/she's questions are answered. This is the conclusion of my essay, i thank you for your time.

Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 49
Teamspeak: Yes