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Hello, im hunter and i have been on mutts world

​for a long time now and have decided i want to

​try to help out in the muttsworld community.

​Now, i have many ideas for making mutts better and

​keeping it freindly for some of its younger players to enjoy.


​First off, diring my time as a "new player" on mutts i had

​a fun experiance because of the kindness and

generosity of the staff. Now i wish to help

​in keeping the muttsworld community at its

​standard and even improving it.


​I have many ideas on how we can make

​muttsworld better. First of all, we can hold

team/competitive events. Players can pick teams

​to compete in freindly cometitions. We could have

​quick-build challenges, build offs, and races.


​Second, i have always been noticing sometimes staff

​can get angry at players and give attitude to that player.

​I understand the player is rude but the staffs job is to help/ controll it.

​Not give into it. This is rare but does happen and we should have a

​second ambassidor/ moderator help if needed. But if i was staff i would stay calm

​and only use my rank to help the players, and the server.


​Third, I have noticed that players vote alot, but then get bored of the same

​old rewards. So, we introduce voting streaks, players get streaks

​by voting daily. their could be certain prizes at certain levels or

​a leader board. I feel this would keep people interested in

​voting for the server they love.


Fourth, we should have a creative store, where people can buy

things with their mums, 10 mins of world edit- to an extra plot.

In many ways could the server be better!


My final topic i have for this application is, a player-report-system.

Other than a modreq which takes time for a mod to freeup time to handle

the problem. But what if a person could simply type in a command and

then a persons name who has either greifed, or used innapropriate

language tword someone. Then afterit is filed, a staff member can begin investigating

the problem.


Now about me, i have been on mutts for a long time

and have had so many fun experiances. If i get staff i will

assure to give new and old players the same experiances i have

on muttsworld.I will keep chat and teamspeak(other than +18 lobbys

at PG levels. But most imprtantly keep creative running happily

and smoothly.


Thank you for your time



Diplomat: NO
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 31
Teamspeak: Yes