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* * * * *


I feel I can be a staff on Creative, for a couple of reasons. Since I've been here for so long, I figure just TRY to apply. I know that if you keep spamming or being annoying, you may get muted. I also know that being a staff is quite some responsibility, I know, I probably won't end up being a staff, or at least anytime soon, but at least I know what I should do and I know that I should be SUPER RESPONSIBLE.


Thanks, Mutts, For all your players and all the friends that I met through your loving and happy server.



Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 48
Teamspeak: No


Don't say.. "I'll probably never be staff" .

Say.. "Heeeeey.. I'll try my best" !


Don't think of an application like something your life depends on.

Just try your best!


Try to read and understand this "Application Guide" , and try to improve!

We never ignore people! We're watching ^.^


Goodluck. ( ps: If you want to create a new application, please do not create a whole new topic, but reply to this one )