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I play alot of tekkit I enjoy it a lot i do build craft and industrial craft. plz accept me

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: No


Protip: You should include some information that would make staff want to promote you.
I remember in tekkit that you greifed and stole from someone's chests before the reset. :/

Essay: I play alot of tekkit I enjoy it a lot i do build craft and industrial craft. plz accept me.

What an essay lol

Also, say your exact age, please.
So why does it matter that you know buildcraft and industrialcraft?
Who are you?

What an essay lol

Also, say your exact age, please.

The new staff application system gives you a range, rather than exact age option.

The new staff application system gives you a range, rather than exact age option.

I just found that out :P
Sorry dude