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Hello, Admin of Mutts! I really enjoy the creative aspect of Minecraft (the reason why I am applying for Creative Ambassador! :cool:) and the collaboration that comes with playing on a server. Muttsworld actually introduced me to RPing in Minecraft, and I’ve found it super fun! It didn’t take me long to fill both of my Freebuilder plots, leaving me wanting more space, which is part of the reason why I got Diplo+. I’ve been on many servers, but Muttsworld proved to be the most respectful and kind server yet. Everyone is so willing to help, which is why I want to become an Ambassador so that I can help others the way they helped me. In real life, I love animals and being out in nature. Hiking is one of my favorite forms of doing just that. I also enjoy drawing (even though I can’t draw) and literature (even though I can barely write!). When I’m not playing Minecraft (on very rare occasions) I’m playing games like Overwatch, Moon Hunters, Bloons Tower Defense 5, Fat Princess, (yes, it is a game) and Shelter 2. Thank you for reading this probably boring essay, and I hope to become an Ambassador for Creative!


(the nerdiest of nerds) :geek:

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 30
Teamspeak: No


Good luck!