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Hello, I am ninduu525252. I have been supporting muttsworld for a year now, and i surprised myself at that. usually small servers like this i quit after a few weeks. but muttsworld is special. The community is great, with only the occasional jerk. The plugins are kinda unique. i havent seen the friends plugin anywhere else, and it works really good. Another great feature are its servers. oh god i sound like im advertising it... Welp before i get side tracked...
I would like to be amby on creative, because right now, im only supporting it. But it would unlock i whole new dimension of help if i was amby. Then i could help the players a whole lot more than, "Yes, That card is rare!" or "The command is /p h:2" Other than being fit for the job, i am pretty well-known on creative. probably 3/4 of the players know who i am. I have been staff on multiple other servers, so i know the ins and outs of being staff. Since i have been on mutts for 12 months, i know most to all of the commands. Another reason i would like to be staff is because I have seen instances where there are no staff on the servers and people literally spam their hearts out. (It was bad...) I am on a LOT. (There is usually a week here and there where im not on, due to a few personal issues.) When i am on for 1-2 weeks, Im on pretty much that whole time. except for school. eww.
Also, Im pretty creative. I could give some great recomendations for events. I have seen the way that staff interact with eachother and this is what i have learned. Bates + Any staff = LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Literally, every time two staff are on the server, half the time i am laughing. Dont even get me started on the diplo channel...


It would be 90% of my life if you accepted this. Its fine if you dont. I would keep supporting muttsworld at my best.


-With my laughing box, ninduu

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes