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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Which position you're applying for:

How long have you been a part of the server/forums?
I've been with Muttsworld for about 14 months. I've been playing with Muttsworld creative for about eight months and have been whitelisted for about seven. Muttsworld has made up the majority of the servers that I have played on, expect for a few friend's servers. As for the forums, I've been a member for about seven months.

Have you had any experience as staff on other servers?
I have been an Ambassador on creative for a little over two months, and on survival for one month.

Are you familiar with some of the server plug-ins staff members use?
I am somewhat familiar with WorldEdit (I used it as an OP. See above Answer). I am also proficient with SMP commands. I am proficient with all ambassador commands.

Why do you think you should be a moderator on this server?
· In real life I am devoted and dedicated to anything that I am committed to. I am a straight A student (GDP of 3.8), part time employee (2 days a week) and a volunteer worker (usually only on Saturdays). This may seem to be a red light: I am busy, but remember: I am dedicated to anything (and everything) that I am committed to.
· I am very familiar with Muttsworld. I have desired to be a member of the staff since I first began playing in the summer of 2011. I have also made it known to the staff on Muttsworld Creative that I am interested in joining them (I have been given the title "Rawrs_Trainee"). I am a quick learner, and will put serious effort into any subject that I must learn.
· I've gained experience as an Ambassador, and I am working nonstop when I'm online moderating the chat.
· Despite my age I am very mature and responsible.
· I feel that creative has a need for moderators. I plan on checking in on modreqs often and will check the forums for creative apps.

Anything else?
I am from the United States. My username was from a friend who happens to like “Moshi pillows”... (the pillow part is weird, the moshi part sounds pretty cool.)
I can be a perfectionist. This application took me about 45 minutes between the wording, grammar, syntax and formatting. This may show in my job- I am a good 'multitasker' and will be able to watch the chat lines and any other duties I may need to perform.
I'm an older cousin- I'm used to dealing with kids and people who nag and whine. Thus, I can handle the freebuilders on visitor chat patiently but justly.

If you have any questions for me, do not hesitate to ask in game or in a forum response. (In game would probably be better.)

I know that you will give this application some serious thinking. I understand that being a member of the staff is a privilege and that it is voluntary complicated work. I’m up for it. I look forward to hopefully working with you to help Muttsworld expand and improve.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: No


will be able to watch the chat lines and any other duties I may need to perform.

I don't really have criticism, I'm just going to say that doing this is very hard with just small amounts of logblock spam, whether you're fixing grief or just exploring.
Not sure if this will make any difference but this is an ambassador I have seen nothing but great experiences with. Performs his job as an ambassador extremely well.

Not sure if this will make any difference but this is an ambassador I have seen nothing but great experiences with. Performs his job as an ambassador extremely well.


I don't really have criticism, I'm just going to say that doing this is very hard with just small amounts of logblock spam, whether you're fixing grief or just exploring.

I really appreciate all of your support. Thank you.
+1 want to see this happen
+1 Good luck bro
+1 Moshi 4 mod 2012
+1 for a friend that definetly does his job well.
+ 1 Pretty nice guy, I think he could handle it. =)
+1 nice, helpful and can definitely handle the job well
Teamspeak teamspeak teamspeak...
It's a requirement if you want to be a mod.

Teamspeak teamspeak teamspeak...
It's a requirement if you want to be a mod.

^- THIS! =)
Is he too young???

Is he too young???

It's for the creative server. We allow a bit more flexibility with smaller servers, especially when this candidate is already an ambassador.
Oct 27 2012 06:51 AM
Brown please help, I've been wrongly banned

Brown please help, I've been wrongly banned

Lolwat. On creative?
I say mosh should be on. I'm a pretty experienced player here, and I've never seen a more dedicated player to the community. +1