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Hello Muttsworld, my name is Minecrafter550. I HAVE been banned from Survival, but sometimes thats the only way to get jerks off your back. I love L2d, and I will accept being denied if you decide so. I enjoy Creative Mode, but my Tekkit isn't working. Please give me a chance.


Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 2
Teamspeak: No


yea.. no...
im sorry but youll have to resolve your survival ban first. Also , There are many ways to deal with people without getting banned. I need people who already know this.
First: it's going to be a no because of a previous ban.

Second: which server are you applying for anyway you never said which one you just said "I love L2D. I enjoy creative mode,but my tekkit isn't working"

Third: You probably could have put some more time and effort into this application