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Hi I'v been playing MuttsWorld tekkit for 5-6 months now and i thought it would be about time we get some more frequently online moderators because I'v only seen a moderator once before and that was when i joined first and I'm almost constantly online. I'v experienced some harsh things during my time on mutts tekkit like being griefed and witnessing griefs I'd never requested a moderator because in the end I sorted things out and made them give the items back and fix what they had done. So I'v been handling things fine on my own but it takes a while but I think I can work much more effectively and quickly. I think i would be a good moderator and I would protect the server from fowl language, griefs, fighting, and i would keep the server in order. Thank you for your time I know its hard running 4 servers so good luck with your servers and I hope they with go up times a thousond in ratings. Thanks bye

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 7
Teamspeak: No


Tekkit is closing soon.

Muttsworld tekkit is closing in under a week.



(still can't stop laughing at "fowl language")

hu i  never knew that

why is it closing???

Because feed the beast