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Hello Creative,
my name is Libsipie and I am applying for Creative ambassador,
I am on creative very often. I haven't been ambassador on any other server. I am hoping you shall give me a chance to show you I could be worthy of the position.


I often see problems in chat when staff are not on, I would like to put a stop to them. I am English and I love Gymnastics & Swimming. I am very happy with all the work MuttsWorld staff do and I am applying to be a part of it. I hope that I can do more work to help you with you in making Muttsworld a better place. I love to RolePlay and build a lot with friends. I love to help, I will be able to come to staff meetings but I will have to be with Ewillawin.


Thank you for reading my application,
From Libby.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: <10
Months of MuttsWorld: 24
Teamspeak: Yes


Good luck Libby! 

Great Application :D! Good Luck Libs ;)