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Sorry I'm not exact on how many months i have been playing on muttsworldmine but I'm guessing it is around that time.
I have never used IRC but i have it installed and have got an idea of what it does.
I am currently 13 my birthday is on the 7 of october.
I am sporty and nerdy; i do BMX freestyle and racing and i play AFL (Australian Football League).
I am a male.
I enjoy playing tekkit more than vanilla minecraft and i am normally on when other staff members are not.
If you can't remember me i was and still am friends with Rahxy.
I felt like stepping up a rank in Muttsworld since i have been playing on your wonderful servers for over a year now :D.
Lachlan Willis or koalaxbear

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 16
Teamspeak: Yes


Which server is this for? What position?

Which server is this for? What position?

mod or ambassador C: sorry for not adding that preferrably ambassador C: