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Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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Hey everyone! A little about myself is I Love Dogs and hate cats, Favorite color is blue, and I am in love with Mc (Who isn't?) I forgot my password 3 years ago. Then about 2 years ago I remembered it! Then I went straight on Muttsworld. Now for story time! Sometimes when I join a player will start spamming when a staff isn't on. I always ask the player to stop but most of the time the player does not. So I try to find a staff member on survival but not 1 staff member comes. I ask again for the player to stop but they just keep spamming. They don't really listen to me cause they no I can't do anything about it. I would honestly love to be able to be able to do something. Staff here is a secret: A lot of players don't follow rules when a staff member isn't on. I am on like all the time. In anyway I could help I will and I am not just asking for perks, I am asking for the sake of keeping Muttsworld's players always following the rules and still having fun. I vote as much as I can but I forget a lot. Well hope that sums it up for you! Goodnight y'all :D

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 15
Teamspeak: No


woot  Good luck! :)

Hi guys! My new username is xxXLitXxx by the way....Still would love to be staff!! Hope your day goes good :-P

Great Application! Good Luck <3

Great job, I really do hope you get it! But, maybe for next time, try to stay a little focused on exactly what you need to become staff.

Otherwise, good luck! <3