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Did you vote today?

Did you know we depend on your votes? Please Vote! http://goo.gl/RsLpq Vote Often!

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My Name is Alan But Friends call me Just.
I bought a diplo after about 2 or 3 months of muttsworld.
I am 16 and I am playing nearly 2 years.
(23 months)
I do have teamspeak, but I don't use it alot.
Somehow it bugs out and and I can't use it next 1-2 weeks.


I vote only sometimes, and always forget why.


I cant be active on School days because I don't have time, but if you see me online that days, it means I don't have so much work to do.
On Sundays and Saturdays I am active often, and sometimes in game, but AFK.
My time is GMT+5 In Kazakhstan.
I am 16.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: Yes
Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 23
Teamspeak: Yes


I think I really messed up on that piece.


Well.. I have a few questions for you :3  .


Have you read this article ? " How to apply "

What server are you applying for ?

What can you help us with ?


If you can awnser these questions, then you're trully skilled with words essays :P

Are you a Diplomat?Diplomat Yes
Vote: Yes

Age: 16-18

Months of MuttsWorld: 23

Teamspeak: Yes

My Name is (redacted) But Friends call me Just.
I bought a diplo after about 2 or 3 months of muttsworld.
I am 16 and I am playing nearly 2 years.
(23 months)
I do have teamspeak, but I don't use it alot.
Somehow it bugs out and and I can't use it next 1-2 weeks.

I vote only sometimes, and always forget why.

I cant be active on School days because I don't have time, but if you see me online that days, it means I don't have so much work to do.
On Sundays and Saturdays I am active often, and sometimes in game, but AFK.
My time is GMT+5 In Kazakhstan.
I am 16.

Click here to view the application

I wrote A new one. Hope this is better

I guess so...


I wrote A new one. Hope this is better

I guess so...


Am I talking to myself

i need 

to finish with this

Summarily denied due to excessive forum spam. Staff positions are jobs. If are incapable of being professional in your application, we have no reason to believe you will be if selected.

I missed this.....