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I think myself jjp1234 would be perfect for the muttsworld’s creative team staff! I am a good builder with a lot of potential. I think I deserve this position because I love muttsworld and I think I need to give back to the community. I have come up with a petite app for me to fill out, to enhance this staff app.

Experience: I have been staff on multiple severs I currently own a server of my own I know how to work with people and keep my cool when I get mad I am good with plugins and rank etc.
Why i deserve this : I think I deserve this because I am a proper young man who loves this community and wants to give back
position you want: [Ambassador]
Why you want it: Because this rank just excites me and I would love to have it!
Building skills: I am a eggscellent builder and I love to build space ships redstone and houses! (Pun intended)

I can download and get TeamSpeak but I will not lie as of right now I do not have it. I can talk through IRC and communicate through my IPod and IPad when on vacation. I will stick around for a long time and enjoy my time here in muttsworld! I thank you for reading this

You Friend,

jjp1234 (P.S this essay has 225 Words! :)

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 5
Teamspeak: No


One thing I would suggest. You don't really give that much detail as to why you deserve this position out of everybody else who wants it, you just said it excites you and you would love to have it. Give examples of how you would help as staff and what you can "give back to the community". What skills do you have that will be valuable and beneficial to the server.

I've never seen you on. May I ask what timezone you are in?

Different timezones or something? Haven't seen you around. :I

Kman ive seen you around a lot

Kman ive seen you around a lot

What timezone. Also can you please list more reasons why you deserve this position? 

Why i deserve this :I deserve this Because

* I am on a lot

* I am good with people

* I love this server :)

* I want to give back to the communitity and this is my chance

* i can help you guys when ever you need

* i am a good builder and love to build stuff for the server

* I will be an active staff member and respect my posistion

* I can take things off peoples hands and help staff out

* I am a nice person and get a long with the community very well

* I cause no trouble and no harm what so ever

* I have a zero-tolerance policy and will treat everone the same

* I have no Bias in my decision for people

* and i have a lot of knowledge of commands

* I have a zero-tolerance policy and will treat everone the same


You have zero tolerance for people?

You have zero tolerance for people?

Zero-tolerance policy means that you don't take excuses.

You have zero tolerance for people?

 It means i take no excuses like wearepants said

Being lenient is important in a staff duty as well.

You need patience with others. You gotta warn em a couple times. Then if they stop, it's all good. But if they keep going, mute, kick, whatever.

Yea i know i have the ability :D :)

My space ship to show tha ti am a worhty builder :)




being a good builder does nothing to help you be 'staff' on mutts servers. Since you own a server of your own it means you'll have conflict of interest between both servers, which we don't want.


Never seen you on IRC.


I don't ever see you helping out in chat.


From me it's a no, sorry.

Not sure yet... Still thinking. I_I
I play on this server more then my server so that shows I dedicated to this server and really ant to help out I do more stuff for this server then my server there would hew no conflicts what so ever

I play on this server more then my server so that shows I dedicated to this server and really ant to help out I do more stuff for this server then my server there would hew no conflicts what so ever

If that would be true you wouldn't have "your" server to go play on.

Im willing to risk that if i get this rank