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Hello, My IGN Name is Jessifer my age is 16 and I am appling for the Moderator Position on your tekkit server. I have been playing on your survival server since 1.7.4 Ive taken a few breaks after you reset your server and my friends and I lost are village Ive then one day seen you have made and tekkit server and I was intrested to see what it was like. So I joined and I could tell not much has been done considering spawn was only a sign lol Ive been playing on the server since then Daily and seen the server grow. I have been Admin and Mod before on smaller servers. The way I wish to help this server grow bigger is to help build what ever needs to be build, Helping members to my best abilitys and take part of activitys towards making the server a better place. Thank you for your time


Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 25
Teamspeak: Yes


Need to be on Irc and Teamspeak. You are a nice player :D
moderators fix grief and handle player problems, they typically aren't promoted for construction purposes. Then again, this is my perspective from survival.

Need to be on Irc and Teamspeak.

moderators fix grief and handle player problems, they typically aren't promoted for construction purposes.

The staff knows well; there used to be a few good informational topics and posts on what to do with staff applications if you're legitimately interested in helping us staff our servers, but they're difficult to find now.

Firstly, it's necessary to define the purpose, role, and common activities of a moderator, so that you know what you're looking at. You claim you've been an administrator and a moderator before on smaller servers, so I'd actually expect you to know what moderating is all about - your instant followup with builds, though, makes me question that. Given that, I'll give you a piece of homework: research through whatever means you prefer on general moderation for gaming communities.

[...] The remainder of this post has been clipped, contact me in IRC for the rest of the message.

Summary: You'll enjoy the game better as a player - switching to staff will be the opposite of fun and games.
Has mutts world been around for 25 months?

Also there is no version of minecraft called 1.7.4
Sorry since 1.7.3 been awhile since then And also I have just realised I clicked the wrong spot dont have Teamspeak but I am on IRC

but I am on IRC
