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I am re-applying for creative ambassador because I would like to rewrite my creative application and I have more things to add.


I would like to be staff on mutts because I would like to be able to help people even more than now. Im on every day for at least 1 hour and quite often I help people when staff are not on. I know how to check, open and close modreqs.


I know a lot of the players on mutts and i'm very friendly. I have had some bad blood with CandyServal but that should be over now. When people spam or use too many capital letters I ask them to please not. I know to mute someone if they have spammed over 5 times and 3 times is a warning. I am friends with most of the staff especially mr_Buzz, BatesMine, Safyo, 3itsmini3, shaori0516, skittlezwashere, neon_donut and Sasukei.


Creative is my favourite server because you can build what you would like, unlimited blocks to use and you can rp. Roleplaying and building are my two favourite things to do. Everyday I meet new people and make new friends on creative.


I was introduced to team speak in january and I used to use it frequently. I still have it and I can most likely come on when needed. I used to vote but ever since i got diplomat and started playing on creative I stopped because I found no need for it anymore. I know how to use w/e and can teach other people.


I will be able to be on from 7am till 7:30am (NZ time) and from 4:30pm till around 8pm (also NZ time) on weekdays. On weekends I will be able to play basically all day (Lol i dont have any plans ever)


I will be turning 12 on June the 25th and I may not always be mature (im weird and loud) but I can be. Becoming staff on creative has been my goal for a long time and I would love for my goal to be completed but for that to happen I need muttsworld's help of accepting me as staff!


I follow the rules and I am very helpful! Thanks for reading this and let me know what you think <3

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: Yes