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Hi! My name is Joshua or known as Jcamp8. I have been on Muttsworld for about 4 years but since I was gone a year I decided to put 36 months. So I've always had an itch to help people and I couldn't quite scratch it. So I decided to apply for staff. This server is my favorite server and I'm going to stay dedicated. Sometimes I travel the world. I've been to England, Nepal, India, Canada, and the US. I might be gone but I ALWAYS bring my computer with me. I'm a professional gamer with a lot of gear and I will soon be building a computer (desktop). The people of Muttsworld are really nice and take people in. Some people still need a bit of support and help. So I decided to apply since I seem to make a lot of friend in real life and online.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you will consider this application to be a staff on Muttsworld.

Diplomat: Yes
Vote: No
Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 36
Teamspeak: Yes


Nice application. Good luck getting the job  :-P

Hey josh,
What server are you applying for?
How could you help that server?

Also, whats India like?



   First, Thanks that might help my Application a lot.

   Second, India smells but is so cool. The forests are pretty big and have a lot of wild animals.

Very nice! :)

Ive seen you on a lot which is good, but you have never stood out to me before until now >.> However, I'm almost never on creative so theres that.


Im neutral.

Ive seen you on a lot which is good, but you have never stood out to me before until now >.> However, I'm almost never on creative so theres that.


Im neutral.

Lol. I've seen you on a lot too.

India are my country's rivals as they are next to them. Jcamp you have a pretty good chance at getting the job. You could have tweaked it a bit but still its a nice application.

India are my country's rivals as they are next to them. Jcamp you have a pretty good chance at getting the job. You could have tweaked it a bit but still its a nice application.

Thx A Lot! :D