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I am a pro at minecraft and dealing with idiots who want to buy your server. I am a great admin. I do not abuse power or ban for no reason. I love tekkit. I love being in the staff of servers.

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 16
Teamspeak: Yes


So you're good at Minecraft and dealing with a non-existant issue.
You are great at a job, yet lack any form of credentials or proof.
You will not abuse, that's a new one.
You love a server that many other people love.

You love being staff... why?
You'll be a mod when dragon get's admin.
Why is everyone's age 10-16???

Why is everyone's age 10-16???

because every eight year-old that wants to be a staff member wants to say they're 10-16 so they have a chance to be accepted. Then, they make up non-existant issues with hopes of becoming a staff member with a total of 23 words. I love when people's first post is a staff application.

because every eight year-old that wants to be a staff member wants to say they're 10-16 so they have a chance to be accepted. Then, they make up non-existant issues with hopes of becoming a staff member with a total of 23 words. I love when people's first post is a staff application.

Well, EVERYONE is saying that. 4 people exactly. I just think its a bit weird and coincidental.
Aug 30 2012 03:50 PM

Well, EVERYONE is saying that. 4 people exactly. I just think its a bit weird and coincidental.

With the new staff application format, you select your age as either under 10, 10-16, 16-18, 18-24, or 24+

With the new staff application format, you select your age as either under 10, 10-16, 16-18, 18-24, or 24+

Ok thanks, I was thinking that 10-year-olds were saying that to make themselves seem older.