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Well i think i am right for this job because i am very friendly and i enjoy helping out alot! i am currently an Admin & a Moderator on 2 different servers. Any Spot for staff would fit me, even Ambassador Would be ok i just want to help out with the server!
I hope you take this application in to Consideration!


Age: 16-18
Months of MuttsWorld: 9
Teamspeak: No


What about the fact that you repeatedly broke the rules on survival? I really dont think this will fly if you cannot follow simple rules and belittle staff members for doing their jobs.

I love how you even made a new forum name thinking we wouldnt notice your deviousness.

Refer here for how you really are http://muttsworldmin...appeal-grinchz/ and the moderators can read your hidden comment.

Pyro, i know i even messaged you saying sorry and everything, i have actually changed you clearly do not believe me but that it is alright...
i have not even broke a single rule in this server, by the way could you think on maybe unbanning me on survival? please and thankyou
if i brake a rule i promise i will never bother you again... and i did not make a new fourm to get hidden, i could not remember my password for my other account, and even if i did i would not want to make my user "Thegrinchz"
But anyways please take that to consideration thanks!

By the way, why on earth did you get demoted in fourms? for donating for someone?
that just clearly states how nice you are, shouldn't Mumblerit be looking for nice people who can do there jobs well.
I see you seem to be truly apologetic and "may" have learned from you past decisions.

That i guess is an auto feature of donations.
So you will think about unbanning me? and trust me i wont disappoint you again, because i am actually disappointed in my self for being so immature and rude..
Why are asking about that in your staff application. There is a time and place here is not it. I also don't like being PM spammed while im at work and my email is alerting me 5 times today you were speaking to me

I unbanned you, but that is the third and final time. No exceptions this time