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Honestly, I just really enjoy building new worlds, and noticed that there were problems in the world where a Creeper would destroy a part of something that shouldn't be destroyed, and wasn't fixed... I have been friends with Solidus_BvS for years, and I am sure that he would vouch for me. I would just like to help out a little. I am more than aware of the rules, and the do's and don't of the world... I would really appreciate the concideration. Thank you.

Age: 24+
Months of MuttsWorld: 3
Teamspeak: Yes


You might want to mention which server, and what position you are applying for.
Yeah, creepers don't make damage on the environment on the majority of the Muttsworld servers. (I think the HC PvP does and maybe the PvP server)

You might want to mention which server, and what position you are applying for.

As well as you IGN
It was on the L2D server, and I am corrected, it was not a Creeper, it was a Ghast... It happened again yesterday. I was applying for just a builder position. My IGN is GRickards. Also, for more clarification, it was the Helicopter on the Non-PVP zombie side, on the rooftop. I was witness to the Ghast damaging the helicopter yesterday. Apparently the Ghasts attack can burn the blocks.
There are usually no ghasts around so it's generally a non issue. I suspect that Bybloss spawned one for fun.
That's fine. I would still be interested in building for the server though. I had a few ideas of things to build... If you would like to know here or in game, I would be more than happy to share these ideas with you.