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Hi all!
I am grenada111 and I am applying for Ambassador on the MuttsWorld creative server! I believe that I would make a good Ambassador because I help a lot in chat and I like to help. I can deal with sticky situations quite well and I have pretty decent leadership skills. I am online almost every day in the afternoon for about 2-4 hours a day. I can be on Teamspeak any time that im online the server.
Now for a little about me! I am big into theatre. I am the Head Crew Chief of my school districts Tech support for the theatre. I am 13 years old and I have played baseball for 7 years. I love to play Minecraft and I really enjoy two servers. MuttsWorld Survival and Muttsworld creative.

Thank you for reading and I appreciate the time,

Age: 10-16
Months of MuttsWorld: 12
Teamspeak: Yes


I can honestly say in my time spent on the Creative server grenada is the one who is most noticeable as a possible ambassador to me. He's active, knows how to handle situations, and is always helping. Creative could use some more mature, useful Ambassadors. +1 Hope you get it, good luck!

I can honestly say in my time spent on the Creative server grenada is the one who is most noticeable as a possible ambassador to me. He's active, knows how to handle situations, and is always helping. Creative could use some more mature, useful Ambassadors. +1 Hope you get it, good luck!

Thanks railguy_!!!

Besides making your account yesterday for this, you help out in chat a lot and are friendly to other players +1

Besides making your account yesterday for this, you help out in chat a lot and are friendly to other players +1

Thanks!  Actually, I forgot my password for my other acount so I made another one.  

Definite +1. You are always a great help every time I see you and you are VERY nice. Good luck

I've seen you on the server for a while and you do help. Even though I have been absent a lot recently, I would definitely give you a +1.

Definite +1. You are always a great help every time I see you and you are VERY nice. Good luck

Thanks for the support Kman749!!  I really appreciate it :)

I've seen you on the server for a while and you do help. Even though I have been absent a lot recently, I would definitely give you a +1.

Thanks Silverhood!

Make it happen +1

yes. +1

Just btw, welcome to the team :)

I was going to +1 but I see I'm too late. Congrats to you.
I would've +1'd but guess I'm too late congratz!
I've never seem quite this outpouring of +1's. So here. Take mine too. +1

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